What is q-dir exe
What is q-dir exe

Your compiler should be detected automatically (check the Tools > Options > Build & Run > Compilers tab). softwareo te=faq-Fin d.Same.Ima ges.OK&faq =0 SoftwareO e=Freeware /Q-Dir/His tory SoftwareO e=Freeware /Q-Dir/His tor SoftwareO te=Freewar e/Q-Dir/Hi story String found in binary or memory: m/?seite=f aq-Q-DIR&f aq=0 String found in binary or memory: m/?seite=F reeware/Q- Dir/Histor y String found in binary or memory: p.sectigo. String found in binary or memory: adobp/1.0/ String found in binary or memory: adob/exif sectigo.c om/Sectigo RSATimeSta t0# sectigo.c om/Sectigo RSATimeSta l0t Source: C:\Users\u ser\Deskto p\Q-Dir_圆 4.exeĬode function: 0_2_000000 014000A518 GetDlgIte m,SendMess ageW,SendM essageW,Se ndMessageW ,wsprintfW ,GetClient Rect,SendM essageW,Fi ndFirstFil eW,lstrlen W,SendMess ageW,FindN extFileW,F indClose,Ĭode function: 0_2_000000 0140038030 malloc,ma lloc,lstrc pyW,lstrle nW,lstrcat W,lstrcpyW ,lstrcatW, FindFirstF ileW,SetWi ndowTextW, malloc,lst rcpyW,lstr catW,lstrc pyW,Output DebugStrin gW,OutputD ebugString W,free,Cha rLowerW,ma lloc,lstrc pyW,lstrca tW,lstrcpy W,free,Fin dNextFileW ,FindClose ,free,free ,SetWindow TextW,Ĭode function: 0_2_000000 0140088298 FindFirst FileW,Find Close,Ĭontains functionality to query local drivesĬode function: 0_2_000000 014000D664 GetLogica lDriveStri ngsW,GetDl gItem,GetD riveTypeW, _cwprintf_ s_l,SendMe ssageW,Sen dMessageW, SendMessag eW,SendMes sageW,SHGe tSpecialFo lderPathW, lstrlenW,S HGetSpecia lFolderPat hW,lstrlen W,SendMess ageW,SendM essageW,Ge tDlgItem,S endMessage W,SendMess ageW,GetDl gItem,Send MessageW,R egOpenKeyE xW,lstrlen W,lstrlenW ,lstrlenW, lstrlenW,l strlenW,ls trlenW,Sen dMessageW, SendMessag eW,SendMes sageW,RegC loseKey, Remotely Track Device Without Authorizationĭeobfuscate/Decode Files or Information 1Įxfiltration Over Command and Control ChannelĬontains functionality to enumerate / list files inside a directory Eavesdrop on Insecure Network Communication

What is q-dir exe